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Harry Potter Theme On Recorder

by Ismail N   ·  13 years ago  

Harry Potter

My daughter is learning music at school. There were no music lessons during my primary school years, I guess she was early by about 4 years. Anyway, she’s learning the basic theory (reading basic notes, learning about tempo and the names of instruments) and how to play the recorder. So, I am taking the opportunity to learn along with her.

It’s really hard to control the pitch!

Sounds weird when I blew it – sometimes the pitch is freakingly high!

Anyway, to spur our interest in the musical possibilities of the recorder , we searched for inspiration in the You Tube.  So, I hope, in the near future, I will be able to play this tune.

Her rendition of Harry Potter theme has been seen more than 688,000 times!

Harry Potter Theme On Recorder


  1. Dah pandai maen dah Yang tu tk pandai

  2. Malaysia Travel Blog

    Tak pandai main recorder….takde belajar pun masa sekolah dulu…

  3. Pacifista

    ingat lagi masa sekolah rendah belajar macam mana nak guna recoder.sekarang ni kalau main mesti keluar air liur je.hehe…

  4. wahh..kreatif nih..kreatif..

  5. Dulu saya berminat meniup seruling ini tetapi orang tua menegahnya.

    1. suri

      samalah bro katanya kita menyeru syaitan huhu..

  6. memang menjadi la

    rekorder aku dah hilang ntah ke mana

      1. suri

        dulu main benda alah ni skrg dah campak mana entah huhu..

      2. IN

        amboi, main campak2 aje? 😀

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