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How To ALMOST Make A Million Dollars

by Ismail N   ·  12 years ago   ·  

How To Almost Make A Million Dollars

I discovered this book a few days ago while browsing for Maths book for my daughter. Nope, I did not buy the book 😉 But, I must confess that the title is so cheeky that I was so curious to find out its contents.

In the end, like the author who ALMOST made a million dollar, I ALMOST bought his book. 

Saved me a lot of $ since the PDF version can easily be found and downloaded on the internet. 😀  The author (Robert X Leed)  is an ex-army. According to his bio, he volunteered in five wars and got wounded in Iraq at age 82.

He has also written and co-authored several books which can be reviewed at

Two of his books, “Love Is A 4 Legged  Word” and “Christmas Tails” have been sold for movies.

Robert X Leed was twice nominated “Entrepeneur of the Year” by Arthur Anderson Accounting firm and Venture Magazine.

How To Almost Make A Million Dollars

Back to the book, “How To Almost Make A Million Dollars” is a definitive rebuttal to all the GET RICH QUICK promises being hawked in books, seminars, and infomercials. In his inimitable fashion, Robert X. Leeds, disparages the time worn myths about instant success and wealth.

A hillarious history of 65 year journey from rags to riches and his 100 proverbs to avoid failure.


  1. Kak Long Mawar Merah

    Tajuknya menarik tu…
    Apapun, semuanya perlu usaha yang gigih.

  2. Bijak memilih tajuk buku yang ditulis tu
    Untuk jadi kaya tiada jalan yg mudah

  3. Nah, buku ni cocok buat siapa saja yang ingin kaya finansial
    nice share..

  4. arghhhh.. still learning.. Kalau tau ler mcm mana nak dptkan
    sure dah korek gali sampai dalam… hik3

  5. kalo bab million dollar nie mmg menarik minat utk membaca… tapi utk mencapainya memerlukan kerja keras dan pengorbanan…

  6. Kalau buku dan topik mengenai kaya memanglah top selling tapi kita mahu yang praktikal dan ada testimonial. Kalau teori semata-mata masih kabur dan tidak tahu hendak mula dari mana. 🙂

  7. amirulfaiz

    Internet can help us to almost make a million. Save a lot by downloading the content in digital form.

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